2023 Day at the Capitol
Start Date 04/19/2023 08:45 AM
End Date 04/19/2023 12:30 PM
Address Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. 1101 Lincoln St.. Columbia, SC 29201
Registration is closed for the event.

We’re inviting all of our members to Columbia on the same day to spend time at the State House meeting with legislators to discuss public school issues, attend legislative committee meetings and increase the visibility and voice of local school boards!


The event begins at 8:45 a.m. with registration and continental breakfast at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, located at 1101 Lincoln Street in Columbia.  At 10:00 a.m., the group will take school buses to the State House to meet with legislators to advocate SCSBA's position on issues impacting schools.  At 12:30 p.m., the event will conclude with lunch and a program at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center.